G1 Music Network Version 1.2

MySpace Music: Over A Billion Streamed

Nearly two weeks after its launch, MySpace Music has already streamed over a billion songs to users according to a report by CNET. A rep from MySpace said to CNET after confirming the site's one billion milestone:

"We are still compiling our metrics on engagement and unique users which will tell a much richer story on how positively the community is responding to the new music experience"

Hey, whatever's your opinion on the site, a billion's still a billion. MySpace Music features a variety of artists, from mainstream to indie, and again, best of all, the service is free. Check it out and let us know what you think.

Dr. Dre Talks Detox...Again
In a recent interview with USA Today, Dr. Dre confirmed that Detox is almost complete and we could see it by the end of the year. "I'm just now — over the last couple of months — starting to feel that it's going to be right and it's something I can be proud of, and everybody is going to love it," said the producer extraordinaire. "In a perfect world, I'm shooting for a November or December release."

How exactly did Dre almost single-handedly raise the bar for hip-hop production? He says, "I never set out to do that. I just make the music feel the way I want it to feel and I don't put it out until I'm totally happy with it. Then it does what it does."

Detox has been the subject of speculation since Dre first hinted at the project in 2002. He has been working on the album, which will be released on his Aftermath/Interscope Records label, on and off for four years. He says he has assembled a new crew of musicians, and the beats will be heavily driven by live drums. "We have an entirely new thing going with the drums that's incredible, and we're still developing that." All "the usual suspects" will make guest appearances, including Nas, Jay-Z and Lil Wayne.

It doesn't look like we should expect another album from Dre anytime soon after Detox, which has been talked about being released since 2002. "I'm going to put this record out, promote it, tour and then become a hermit. I'm going to stay in the studio and produce." The article was ended with Dre also stating that instead of working with artists who are already established, he'd rather work with someone new who would be the next big thing. "All I want to do is sit in the studio with that person for a year and try to create another masterpiece."

Soundtrack Review: 'Fallout 3'

Well I went out and plunked down $5 at Gamestop for Fallout 3 yesterday and got myself one of their promo poster and soundtrack samplers for the game for doing it. Ok, I will be honest, that is exactly why I did it! What I got was a good taste of what the original music will sound like, along with the twisted humor of licensed songs for the game.

The five song disc opens with The Ink Spots’ classic from 1941 “I Don’t Want to Set the World on Fire.” As Fallout lore goes, Interplay tried but couldn’t get the license for this song for the original game, but Bethesda has had better luck with Fallout 3. The humorous juxtaposition of this song against the game’s post-nuclear war storyline out does amps up what 2K did by licensing “Beyond the Sea” for Bioshock. You will likely never hear this song the same way again once you hear it in the final game. Similar will be the reaction to the old-time/good-time feeling of track 2, “Way Back Home” by Bob Crosby.

Next up is a taste of frankly awesome “Dirty Blues” from Roy Brown. Brown was an early pioneer of rock ‘n roll who gets downright filthy on his underground classic “Butcher Pete (Part 1).” For the uninitiated, Dirty Blues encompassed early R&B songs with overt sexual lyrics, oftentimes done with blatantly obvious entendre that should bring a shocked smile to gamers when they hear it. You will forget about what 2 Live Crew is known for when you hear the lyrics about Butcher Pete’s exploits with all the women in town. I can’t wait to hear how the musically knowledgeable game devs at Bethesda are going to use this pervy piece in the game.

The last two songs on the disc are original compositions for the game by Inon Zur. The first is Fallout 3’s Main Title, which from the moment you hear its opening dissonance, you will picture scenes of post-apocalyptic devastation, or opening menu screens. While rather short at exactly two minutes, it is a fitting opening for a game such as this. The second number from Zur is a very low key, atmospheric number called “Megaton.” Discordant string and percussion instruments play off each other as a harmonica fills in a baleful melody.

The packaging is bang on as well with the disc printed to look like a 45-RPM record and the cardboard sleeve printed to match. Here is hoping Bethesda decides to do a full length soundtrack release once the game ships.

Hov Sells Las Vegas 40/40

After only a year of business in sin city, Brooklyn rapper Jay-Z has decided to sell the 40/40 sports bar located in Las Vegas, after allegedly failing to make any profit since it first opened in 2007.

Despite the decision to sell the bar, Jay-Z and his partners have no plans to give up the naming rights of the sports bar, and still plan on expanding the franchise around the world.

In a statement released today (Wednesday Aug 27)  Hov stated "The sale is a great business decision; we are delighted. We look forward to expanding the brand even further to Chicago and Tokyo."

Details about the price of the sale for the 40/40 club in Las Vegas has not yet been disclosed.

Rapper Keak da Sneak Charged With 4 Felonies
Bay Area "Hyphy" pioneer, Keak da Sneak was arrested a few hours after he attended a funeral. During the apprehension the rapper suffered unspecified injuries which he was treated for. He was subsequently charged with resisting arrest and a firearms charge. Keak remained detained over the past weekend due to a separate outstanding warrant. A Justice Department statement confirmed he appeared before a magistrate judge on Monday July 14. At press time, Keak is scheduled to post bail and be released in the next few days.

Keak's career first began in 1994 when he appeared on C-Bo’s EP The Autopsy. His latest album "Deified" was released through Koch Records on June 10th.

Viacom NOT Interested in Your Data

Okay, so everyone was wrong. Viacom is, in fact, not interested in getting all of the user information for YouTube account holders who have watched any Viacom content. Although if you trudge through the documents, you'll find that the following statement issued by them today is incorrect:

"A recent discovery order by the Federal Court hearing the case of Viacom v. YouTube has triggered concern about what information will be disclosed by Google and YouTube and how it will be used. Viacom has not asked for and will not be obtaining any personally identifiable information of any YouTube user. The personally identifiable information that YouTube collects from its users will be stripped from the data before it is transferred to Viacom. Viacom will use the data exclusively for the purpose of proving our case against You Tube and Google.

Viacom has been in discussions with Google to develop a framework to share this data. We are committed to a process that will not only comply with the Court’s confidentiality order, but that will also meet our commitment to the strongest possible internet privacy protections.

It is unfortunate that we have been compelled to go to court to protect Viacom’s rights and the rights of the artists who work with and depend on us. YouTube and Google have put us in this position by continuing to defend their illegal and irresponsible conduct and by profiting from copyright infringement, when they could be implementing the safe and legal user generated content experience they promise."

Radiohead’s Live Up To iTunes

Alt rock gods Radiohead just released a live video album exclusively on iTunes to promote the band's U.K. summer tour.

In Rainbows - From the Basement was released yesterday, June 24, and sells for £6.99 ($13.80) in the U.K., and will be available globally to customers of the online music store. The album features the band performing their current album In Rainbows at the Hospital studio in London's Covent Garden, plus fan favorites "Faust Arp," "Jigsaw Falling Into Place," "Bangers + Mash" and "Go Slowly."

The filming was directed by David Barnard and was completed in one day. Longtime collaborator Nigel Godrich produced the music.

 Motley Crue Dish Dirt On MTV Film

Have you read that Motley Crue 2001 book, The Dirt?


Definately the most hardcore tale of rock ‘n’ roll depravity put to paper since Led Zeppelin’s tome Hammer of the Gods.

Well, MTV Films bought the rights few years back and were gonna bring the band’s glam-metal-sleaze rags-to-riches-and-back story to the silver screen. Seemed like a good move, right?

Since then, The Crue has reunited, launched a record breaking comeback tour, recorded a new album, and have a hit single through Rock Band, and are about to kick off a new, much-hyped summer package tour.

But still no film....what gives?

Well, that’s what The Crue themselves are saying and, Hollywood style, they are saying it though their lawyers.

'GTA IV' Soundtrack Review, Part II

Hey, Rockers.As promised, here's part two of our Grand theft Auto IV Soundtrack review! Today we'll be listening in on Vladivostok FM.

After playing GTA IV for a month (and doing so intentionally slowly) I am at 50% completion and one thing that has never changed on the in-game stat list is my favorite radio station, Vladivostok FM. From the moment I put in the game I became infatuated with the sounds of Russian and Eastern European pop music. There is just something weird and cool about hearing Russian gangsta rap and Eastern European pop princesses belting out anthems in their native tongue.

Lil Wayne Projected To Do Huge First Week Numbers
It looks like despite The Carter III being all over the internet for anyone to hear, Lil Wayne the rapper eater himself wont suffer from any hunger pains, as Tha Carter III has been projected to sell between 850,000-950,000 albums in its first full week of sales.

In a report from Entertainment, the album is on its way to passing both of 2008's highest selling first week albums, and has the ability to give hip hop its first chart topper since Kanye West last album.

Pat Monaco the Executive VP of sales at Universal Motown Republic Group tried to explained the reason for what may be such astronomical sales in what has otherwise been another down year in record sales.

"The sales the first few hours were exceeding the rate that the Kanye album sold a year ago. Tha Carter III was one of these records that, because it was so highly anticipated, with the leaks and everything, it caused more people to go out at eight in the morning to buy the CD."

He went on to call Lil Waynes recording process unorthadoxed and cited it as another reason for what looks like it will a positive first weeks sales.

Warner Pulls Out Of Last.fm

According to Silicon Valley Insider, Warner Music Group has pulled its catalog from Last.fm's "on demand" free streaming service.

You can still hear Warner artists via the site's "radio" option, but you cannot choose Warner Bros. music as individual songs. Warner hasn't commented, although its music is clearly not there anymore. Last.fm, for their part, responded:

"We are currently negotiating a new agreement with Warner Music Group and are working hard to build the most comprehensive music service on the web. While we work things out, be assured that there's more then enough music to fill a lifetime of listening on Last.fm, and we are continually adding to it."

Whether this has anything to do with Last being owned by CBS and Warner Bros.. being owned by, well, Warner Bros. has not been determined.

Music Review: 'Grand Theft Auto IV' Soundtrack

Ok, hands up. No, this is not a car-jacking, this is an informal poll. Who plunked down the extra bones for the super deluxe kick-ass limited edition of Grand Theft Auto IV? Yep, me too. Now granted, the real reason to get this version was the replica safety deposit box the game came packed in, but Rockstar, being the rock stars that they are, saw fit to include a CD called “The Music of Grand Theft Auto IV” inside too.

Usually, game companies don’t make enticing bonus discs like this available beyond the initial run, but the really good news is, if you didn’t buy the limited edition version of the game, you can still get this album and its same mix of songs via Amazon. If you (all two of you) haven’t yet ventured into Liberty City, here’s a little look at what you aren’t hearing.

The disc is an eclectic mix of hip-hop, dancehall and even jazz fusion, kicking off with the game’s theme, an original composition by Michael Hunter that truly sets the tone for the game each time you load it up. If you are a big hip-hop fan this CD was an absolute score, as it is filled with some bangin’ beats and from both American and Russian rhymers.

The real score here though are some of the more unusual songs that only the uber music aficionados could dig up and get licensed for their game. The mashup of Bob and Damien Marley’s “Stand Up Jamrock” is of particular note as is the jazzy “Holy Thursday” by David Axelrod. So if you want to download a good sampling of what the radio stations of Liberty City are spinning, it will only set you back eight bucks on Amazon. Now Rockstar went well beyond this one set of songs though. Next week, we break down the unique songs on what is my favorite GTA radio station, Vladivostok FM.

Hendrix Plays 'Guitar Hero'

The above picture is from a Jimi Hendrix statue at The Isle of Wight. To celebrate the inclusion of Guitar Hero at the festival, Activision pasted some buttons and a logo on the statue.

Which begs the question: Would Hendrix have been into Guitar Hero, or is he spinning in his grave right at this moment?

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